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December 16, 2021 Minutes



December 16th, 2021


Karen Moranski

Provost, Vice President of Academic Affairs; Chair

Stan Nosek

Interim Vice President of Administration and Finance; Vice-Chair

Troi Carleton

Dean, School of Social Sciences

Emily Acosta Lewis

Chair of APARC, Communications Department

Laura Lupei

Associate Vice President for University Budget and Resource Planning

Audra Verrier

Staff Representative, Pre-Collegiate Programs

Justin Arenson

Vice President of Finance, Associated Students

Lauren Morimoto

Chair of the Faculty, Kinesiology Department

Erma Jean Sims

CFA Representative; Literacy Studies & Elementary Ed.


Mike Ogg

Senior Director for Budget & Planning, Academic Affairs

Shawn Taylor

Budget Analyst, Administration and Finance


Ian Hannah

Assistant Vice President for Advancement Operations

Hayley Avery

Budget Manager, Administration and Finance

Anna Reynolds-Smith

Director of Administrative and Financial Planning for Student Affairs

Laura Monje-Paulson

Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs



Jerlena Griffin-Desta

Chief of Staff and VP for Strategic Initiatives and Diversity

Bryan Burton

Vice Chair of the Faculty, Criminology & Criminal Justice Studies

Noelia Brambila

President, Associated Students





  1. Call to Order and Welcome
  2. Approval of the Minutes: November 4th, 2021
  3. Board of Trustees Budget Request
  4. 2022-2023 Budget Planning
  5. Fall Budget and Planning Forum Review
  6. Announcements for the Good of the Order


  1. Call to Order and Welcome
    Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs, Karen Moranski, welcomed the committee and began the meeting at 8:30 am.
  2. Approval of the Minutes: November 4th, 2021
    Moranski introduced the agenda and asked if there were any additions. Hearing none, Moranski requested a motion to approve the minutes of the November 4th meeting.  Minutes were approved unanimously.
  3. Board of Trustees Budget Request
    Laura Lupei presented the Board of Trustees (BOT) budget request. The BOT requested a total of $715.5M of increased based revenue for the CSU system for the 2022-2023 year. Of the increase, $673M would be increased General Fund and the remaining $42.5M would be increased student fee revenue from an increase in full time equivalent students.

    The BOT organized their request into three priority areas; the students, the people, and the future of the CSU.

    The student priority consists of $170M in new funding in the categories of Graduation Initiative ($75M), Basic Needs Initiative ($20M), and Bridging the Equity Divide ($75M).

    The people priority totals $223.3M in the categories of the Compensation Pool ($209.3M), Health Benefits ($14M), and Staff Salary Structure Study Results (TBD).

    The future priority totals $322.2M in the areas of Academic Facilities and Infrastructure ($135M), Strategic Enrollment Growth ($129.9M), Mandatory Costs ($40.5M) and SB169 State University Grant Requirement ($16.8M).

    There was also a major, one-time funding request for $1B for much needed deferred maintenance.
  4. 2022-2023 Budget Planning
    Lupei then presented an update on 2022-2023 budget planning. She first reiterated that enrollment is down about 2100 students from the high of 9097 in FY 16-17 to a projected 6927 in 21-22.

    The enrollment projections used for budget planning for the 22-23 year utilized the following assumptions; prior year (Fall 2021) yield rates, utilizing prior year (Fall 2021) application rates, and then, updating yield rates with rolling year averages as rates change and improve for 2023-2024 and beyond.

    Currently, the reduction strategy entails taking 50% of the base deficit in base reductions over the next three years. The other 50% of the base reduction would be compiled of various one-time funding strategies. The 50% base reductions will be met by allocating amounts to the divisions to meet based on the division's share of the marginal cost functions.

    It is important to note that for reductions that are allocated out based on the marginal functions, new funds will be reallocated on the same methodology as enrollment growth returns along with the corresponding tuition revenue.

    The current projected deficit for 22-23 is $15.5M (10.93% of the current year’s budget). The 22-23 reduction plan proposal has 50% ($7.8M) of the projected deficit split between the six main marginal cost categories:

Marginal Cost Category

Current Year Marginal Cost Percent





$ 4,106,235

Academic Support


$ 950,453

Student Services


$ 1,080,616

Institutional Support


$ 877,669

Plant Operations & Maint.


$ 709,785

Instructional Equipment


$ 48,877



$ 7,773,636













When applying the marginal cost categories to the divisions, the cut by division based on the share of the marginal cost categories is below:

Academic Affairs


$ 5,520,046

Administration & Finance


$ 1,501,247

Office of the President


$ 188,631

Student Affairs


$ 394,297

University Advancement


$ 96,776

Green Music Center


$ 72,639





The next steps for 22-23 budget planning consist of the Cabinet providing their priorities in December for the upcoming year. In February, the Annual Budget Call will go out to the campus units. During this call, the units will be tasked with submitting a budget plan that incorporates reductions, and other changes to the unit's budget will be net-zero. The reductions units plan must take into consideration the current Cabinet Institutional Priorities.

These priorities, in no particular order, are; enrollment management, academic success, recruitment and retention of faculty and staff, strong residential program, support for underserved/underrepresented student populations, and health and safety of students, faculty, and staff.

  1. Fall Budget and Planning Forum Review
    ​The committee reviewed the feedback from the Fall Budget Forum. The main takeaways were:
    1. The presentations from the Provost and on the topic of strategic enrollment planning were greatly appreciated.
    2. Continuous and ongoing communication and conversation on these topics is very important.
    3. Individuals were wanted to know how they can help.

      It was all agreed that the hybrid format reached more people and that should continue. The committee also discussed the broader approach to communication on campus and where improvements can be made.
  2. Announcements for the Good of the Order

Moranski adjourned the meeting at 10:05 am. 

Minutes prepared by Shawn Taylor.