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Layouts & Columns

Business Process Guide
Date CreatedOctober 17, 2018
Process NameLayouts and Columns
Procedure Number0002
Process OwnerQuestica Users
Date of Last UpdateApril 21, 2023
PurposeUtilizing the layout feature to add columns and move them around to fit your reporting needs and reorganize the group by feature.
ScopeScope of this document pertains to Sonoma State University’s version of Questica Budgeting software
Document ManagementUniversity Budget and Resource Planning retains all copies of Business Process Guides (BPG) and handles distribution.
Roles and ResponsibilitiesUniversity Budget and Resource Planning retains responsibility for the accuracy of the information within Questica Budgeting software. 




1.This process can be done on any screen that layouts are an option in the top right screen.

This process can be done on any screen that layouts are an option in the top right screen.

2. To adjust the layout or add columns to any screen, select the layout button at the top right of the screen.

This process can be done on any screen that layouts are an option in the top right screen.

3. A grid layout box should appear.

 A grid layout box should appear.

4. To access any saved layouts you have, select the dropdown right below Grid Layout.

 A grid layout box should appear.

5. To add any columns to your report, select the green Add button next to the Column’s header.

To add any columns to your report, select the green Add button next to the Column’s header.

6. Select any columns you would like to add to your report, then click add at the bottom of the menu.

Select any columns you would like to add to your report, then click add at the bottom of the menu.

7. You can also click and drag any columns to change the order they appear on your layout.

You can also click and drag any columns to change the order they appear on your layout.

8. You can add or delete any group by fields, by clicking the Add button next to the Group By title.

Note- “Group By” is the order the information appears on your report. The second screenshot is an example of the Fund-Department-Account Group By display.

You can add or delete any group by fields, by clicking the Add button next to the Group By title.
Note- “Group By” is the order the information appears on your report. The second screenshot is an example of the Fund-Department-Account Group By display.

9. Select any fields you would like to add to your group by format, then click add at the bottom of the menu.

Select any fields you would like to add to your group by format, then click add at the bottom of the menu.

10. You can also click and drag any group by fields to change the order they appear on your layout.

You can also click and drag any group by fields to change the order they appear on your layout.

11. To save, any layout you create, select the dropdown arrow at the top of the Grid Layout menu (1), then select Save As (2).

To save, any layout you create, select the dropdown arrow at the top of the Grid Layout menu (1), then select Save As (2).

12. Title your layout (1), and if wanted, check the box to save as your default, then click Save (2).

Title your layout (1), and if wanted, check the box to save as your default, then click Save (2).
Change History
Revision DateApril 21, 2023
Description of Change ImplementedUpdated processes and screenshots
Completed ByUniversity Budget and Resource Planning