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View Budget Lines

View Budget Lines
Date CreatedOctober 15, 2018
Process NameView Budget Lines
Version NumberC
Procedure Number0003
Process OwnerQuestica Users
Date of Last UpdateApril 21, 2023
PurposeRun a report to view a unit’s budget lines. This report will include all salary and OE budget for a unit but does not have position specific detail. 
ScopeScope of this document pertains to Sonoma State University's version of Questica Budgeting software.
Document ManagementUniversity Budget and Resource Planning retains all copies of Business Process Guides and handles distributions
Roles and ResponsibilitiesUniversity Budget and Resource Planning retains responsibility for the accuracy of the information within Questica Budgeting software.




1.To view a budget for a specific unit(s), open the Budgeting Module.

Main Dashboard

2.Select Budgeting from the menu at the top of the screen (1), then select Budget Lines (2).

Budget Lines from Budgeting menu

3.The default screen will show no data.

Default Budget Lines Screen

4.Select the Advanced Search icon at the top of the screen.

Advanced Search

5. If you have any previously saved reports, you can select those from the drop down shown in square (2).

Advanced Search selection with previously saved searches (if they exist)

 6. If you have no saved reports or would like to create a new one, select Advanced Search from the top of the dropdown (2).

Create new Advanced Search selection with no previously saved searches

7. Click on the first search box. A field picker box will appear.

Advanced Search criteria field picker

8. In the search bar, type in “college/area” (1). This will allow you to narrow down your search to your unit. Select the top option (2), and click choose in the bottom right corner (3).

College/Area Field (Useful to narrow down to only show departments that are pertinent)

 9.In the second search box, select equals from the dropdown.

College/Area Field (Operator allows for multiple filtering processes)

10. In the third search box, select your unit.

College/Area Field (Value being used for search))

11.Add another search line by selecting the plus button.

Add more search criteria to tailor your search

12. Select the first search box on the second line.

Budget Scenario (Useful to narrow down to only show specific types of transactions)

13. In the search bar, type in “budget scenario” (1). Select the top option (2), and click choose in the bottom right corner (3).

Budget Scenario from Budget Lines (Narrows down the Budget Scenarios that are related to a Budget Line)

14.In the second search box, select “Is One Of”.

Operator Selection (Using "Is One Of" allows you to select a group of values to look for)

15.In the third search box, select choose.

Choose items to look for

16.The various budget scenarios we use will appear. You can select the scenarios to just view the base budget for your unit, or the scenarios to view the base and revised budgets (see following steps).

List of available values to search for

17. Select “Adjust” and “Base” to view base budget only.

Select “Adjust” and “Base” to view base budget only

18.Select “Adjust”, “Alloc”, “Base”, “Onetime”, “PYBAL”, and “PYENC” to view base and revised budgets.

Once you have selected the appropriate scenarios, select OK.

.Select “Adjust”, “Alloc”, “Base”, “Onetime”, “PYBAL”, and “PYENC” to view base and revised budgets

19.To save this search, select the three dots at the top right, and select Save As.

To save this search, select the three dots at the top right, and select Save As.

20. Name the report (1), and then select save (2).

Name the report (1), and then select save (2).

21. Once saved, select search to apply the search filters.

Once saved, select search to apply the search filters.

22.Your budgets should appear on the screen.

Your budgets should appear on the screen.

23.To change the layout of the information, select layout from the top right corner.

To change the layout of the information, select layout from the top right corner.

24.To view saved layouts, select the top dropdown (1). You should have a saved layout that the Budget Office has shared with you titled “View by Fund-Dept-Acct”(2).

To view saved layouts, select the top dropdown (1). You should have a saved layout that the Budget Office has shared with you titled “View by Fund-Dept-Acct”(2).

25. If you wish to add or delete any columns, you can do so under the column section. 

To change the order of information, you can add, delete, or move around categories in the Group By section.

 If you wish to add or delete any columns, you can do so under the column section.   To change the order of information, you can add, delete, or move around categories in the Group By section.
Change History
Date of RevisionApril 21, 2023
Description of Change ImplementedProcess and screenshots updated for new version.
Completed byUniversity Budget and Resource Planning