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May 12, 2022 Minutes



May 12th, 2022




Karen Moranski

Provost, Vice President of Academic Affairs; Chair

M. Monir Ahmed

CFO, Vice President of Administration and Finance; Vice-Chair

Jerlena Griffin-Desta

Chief of Staff and AVP for Strategic Initiatives and Diversity

Troi Carleton

Dean, School of Social Sciences

Lauren Morimoto

Chair of the Faculty, Kinesiology Department

Bryan Burton

Vice-Chair of the Faculty, Criminology & Criminal Justice Studies

Emily Acosta Lewis

Chair of APARC, Communications Department

Laura Lupei

Associate Vice President for University Budget and Resource Planning

Noelia Brambila

President, Associated Students


Mike Ogg

Senior Director for Budget & Planning, Academic Affairs

Shawn Taylor

Budget Analyst, Administration and Finance




Anna Reynolds-Smith

Director of Administrative and Financial Planning

Natalie Sanchez

Budget Director, Administration and Finance

Hayley Avery

Budget Manager, Administration and Finance

River Shoptaugh

Accountant II, Administration and Finance


Erma Jean Sims

CFA Representative; Literacy Studies and Elementary Education

Justin Arenson

Vice President of Finance, Associated Students

Audra Verrier

Staff Representative, Director of Career & Leadership Development


  1. Call to Order and Welcome

  2. Approval of the Minutes: April 28th, 2022

  3. Governor’s May Revision: Pending

  4. Budget Call Results

  5. 21-22 Accomplishments and 22-23 Goal Planning

  6. Close of Meeting and Thank You to Committee Members


  1. Call to Order and Welcome
    Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs, Karen Moranski, welcomed the committee and began the meeting at 8:30 am.
  2. Approval of the Minutes: April 28th, 2022
    Moranski introduced the agenda and asked if there were any additions. Hearing none, Moranski requested a motion to approve the minutes of the April 28th meeting. Minutes were approved unanimously.
  3. Governor’s May Revision: Pending
    Laura Lupei provided an update on the Governor’s May Revision. The May Revise was not available at the time of the meeting (it was not released until 5/13/22). At the time of the meeting, there were no major changes expected from the Governor.
  4. Budget Call Results
    Lupei presented the 2022-2023 Budget Call results. The goal amount for base reductions was $7,773,636 for all Divisions. The entire base reduction amount was not met with base funding, it was achieved with $5,042,320 in base funding and $2,731,316 in one-time funding. Academic Affairs was unable to meet their entire reduction amount in base. The Academic Affairs division achieved their reduction amount with $2,805,069 in base funding and $2,731,316 in one-time funding.

    Lupei then reviewed the details of the base reduction funding sources. Among all Divisions, the base reductions were taken in the categories of unallocated vacant personnel dollars; vacant staff, management, and tenure track positions; various position restructures savings; operating expense budgets; and student assistant budgets. The one-time funding reductions were taken in the following categories; unallocated vacant personnel dollars, instructional budget, and operating expense budgets. The 2022-2023 projected deficit is $17.1M. The current strategies to resolve the deficit consist of the budget call base reductions of $5M; the budget call one-time reductions of $2.7M; and University Wide strategies of $6.6M. After the current strategies, the remaining deficit to be solved in 22-23 is $2.7M. The base deficit that is projected to roll to 23/24 is $12.1M.
  5. 21-22 Accomplishments and 22-23 Goal Planning
    There was a brief discussion regarding the committee’s major accomplishments in the 2021-2022 year and the goals for the next year. The main highlights for the 2021-2022 year were the Budget Forums, the Multi-Year Plan, and the Deficit Planning. Further accomplishment was the All-Funds Review and the HEERF Funding Plan Review. The committee discussed the goals for 22-23 which include, continuing the Budget Forums, 22-23 budget planning, and multi-year planning. The committee will draft the annual report of these accomplishments and goals to be sent to the President.
  6. Close of Meeting and Thank You to Committee Members
    Moranski and Monir Ahmed thanked the committee for their work in the 2021-2022 year and gave special recognition to those leaving the committee this year.


Moranski adjourned the meeting at 10:00 am. 

Minutes prepared by Shawn Taylor.