May 12, 2022 Minutes
May 12th, 2022
Member |
Position |
Karen Moranski |
Provost, Vice President of Academic Affairs; Chair |
M. Monir Ahmed |
CFO, Vice President of Administration and Finance; Vice-Chair |
Jerlena Griffin-Desta |
Chief of Staff and AVP for Strategic Initiatives and Diversity |
Troi Carleton |
Dean, School of Social Sciences |
Lauren Morimoto |
Chair of the Faculty, Kinesiology Department |
Bryan Burton |
Vice-Chair of the Faculty, Criminology & Criminal Justice Studies |
Emily Acosta Lewis |
Chair of APARC, Communications Department |
Laura Lupei |
Associate Vice President for University Budget and Resource Planning |
Noelia Brambila |
President, Associated Students |
Mike Ogg |
Senior Director for Budget & Planning, Academic Affairs |
Shawn Taylor |
Budget Analyst, Administration and Finance |
Anna Reynolds-Smith |
Director of Administrative and Financial Planning |
Natalie Sanchez |
Budget Director, Administration and Finance |
Hayley Avery |
Budget Manager, Administration and Finance |
River Shoptaugh |
Accountant II, Administration and Finance |
Erma Jean Sims |
CFA Representative; Literacy Studies and Elementary Education |
Justin Arenson |
Vice President of Finance, Associated Students |
Audra Verrier |
Staff Representative, Director of Career & Leadership Development |
Call to Order and Welcome
Approval of the Minutes: April 28th, 2022
Governor’s May Revision: Pending
Budget Call Results
21-22 Accomplishments and 22-23 Goal Planning
Close of Meeting and Thank You to Committee Members
- Call to Order and Welcome
Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs, Karen Moranski, welcomed the committee and began the meeting at 8:30 am.
- Approval of the Minutes: April 28th, 2022
Moranski introduced the agenda and asked if there were any additions. Hearing none, Moranski requested a motion to approve the minutes of the April 28th meeting. Minutes were approved unanimously.
- Governor’s May Revision: Pending
Laura Lupei provided an update on the Governor’s May Revision. The May Revise was not available at the time of the meeting (it was not released until 5/13/22). At the time of the meeting, there were no major changes expected from the Governor.
- Budget Call Results
Lupei presented the 2022-2023 Budget Call results. The goal amount for base reductions was $7,773,636 for all Divisions. The entire base reduction amount was not met with base funding, it was achieved with $5,042,320 in base funding and $2,731,316 in one-time funding. Academic Affairs was unable to meet their entire reduction amount in base. The Academic Affairs division achieved their reduction amount with $2,805,069 in base funding and $2,731,316 in one-time funding.
Lupei then reviewed the details of the base reduction funding sources. Among all Divisions, the base reductions were taken in the categories of unallocated vacant personnel dollars; vacant staff, management, and tenure track positions; various position restructures savings; operating expense budgets; and student assistant budgets. The one-time funding reductions were taken in the following categories; unallocated vacant personnel dollars, instructional budget, and operating expense budgets. The 2022-2023 projected deficit is $17.1M. The current strategies to resolve the deficit consist of the budget call base reductions of $5M; the budget call one-time reductions of $2.7M; and University Wide strategies of $6.6M. After the current strategies, the remaining deficit to be solved in 22-23 is $2.7M. The base deficit that is projected to roll to 23/24 is $12.1M.
- 21-22 Accomplishments and 22-23 Goal Planning
There was a brief discussion regarding the committee’s major accomplishments in the 2021-2022 year and the goals for the next year. The main highlights for the 2021-2022 year were the Budget Forums, the Multi-Year Plan, and the Deficit Planning. Further accomplishment was the All-Funds Review and the HEERF Funding Plan Review. The committee discussed the goals for 22-23 which include, continuing the Budget Forums, 22-23 budget planning, and multi-year planning. The committee will draft the annual report of these accomplishments and goals to be sent to the President.
- Close of Meeting and Thank You to Committee Members
Moranski and Monir Ahmed thanked the committee for their work in the 2021-2022 year and gave special recognition to those leaving the committee this year.
Moranski adjourned the meeting at 10:00 am.
Minutes prepared by Shawn Taylor.