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Payroll Adjustments

Business Process Guide
Date CreatedMay 22, 2023
Process NamePayroll Adjustments and Corrections
Version NumberB
Procedure Number0008
Process OwnerUniversity Budget and Resource Planning
Date of Last UpdateFebruary 12, 2025
PurposeSubmit information to adjust an employee’s previously posted payroll.
ScopeScope of this document pertains to Sonoma State University's version of Data Warehouse and HRS.
Document ManagementUniversity Budget and Resource Planning retains all copies of Business Process Guides and handles distribution.
Roles and ResponsibilitiesUniversity Budget and Resource Planning retains responsibility for the accuracy of the information within Questica Budgeting software.




1. Navigate to the LCD Dashboard in Data Warehouse

Navigate to the LCD Dashboard in Data Warehouse


2. Navigate to Employee Detail

Navigate to Employee Detail

3. Fill out the following fields:

Business unit =”SOCMP”

Fiscal Year = Current year

Accounting period = leave blank

CSU Charge Period = leave blank

Name = Name of Employee

Empl ID = Employee ID

 Fill out the following fields:  Business unit =”SOCMP”  Fiscal Year = Current year  Accounting period = leave blank  CSU Charge Period = leave blank  Name = Name of Employee  Empl ID = Employee ID

4. Verify information on screen. If the information is correct, export the formatted Excel version.

Verify information on screen. If information is correct, export formatted Excel version
Verify information on screen. If information is correct, export formatted Excel version
Verify information on screen. If information is correct, export formatted Excel version

5. Open the file in Excel and highlight values that need to be adjusted.

Open file in Excel and highlight values that need to be adjusted.

6. Indicate on the sheet where the payroll should be reclassed. If wages need to be split between different chartstrings, indicate all chartstrings and their respective percentages.

 Indicate on sheet where payroll should be reclassed. If wages need to be split between different chartstrings, indicate all chartstrings and their respective percentages.


7. Save file with employee name from cell B5. Example: “Taylor, Shawn M”

Save file with employee name from cell B5. Example: “Taylor, Shawn M”

8. Send email to with a subject “Payroll Adjustment for ‘employee name from B5’ and attach the Excel file.

Send email to with a subject “Payroll Adjustment for ‘employee name from B5’ and attach the Excel file.

9. We suggest that you check Data Warehouse (Financial Reporting or Labor Cost Distribution) to verify that the correction was posted and done correctly within a few days.

Change History
Date of RevisionFebruary 12, 2025
Description of Change ImplementedUpdated process
Completed byUniversity Budget and Resource Planning