LCD Change Form
Date Created | May 22, 2023 |
Process Name | LCD Change Form |
Version Number | A |
Procedure Number | 0009 |
Process Owner | University Budget and Resource Planning |
Date of Last Update | May 22, 2023 |
Purpose | Submit information to adjust an employee’s current and future payroll coding. |
Scope | Scope of this document pertains to Sonoma State University's version of Data Warehouse and HRS. |
Document Management | University Budget and Resource Planning retains all copies of Business Process Guides and handles distribution. |
Roles and Responsibilities | University Budget and Resource Planning retains responsibility for the accuracy of the information within Questica Budgeting software. |
1. Download an LCD Change Form from the Budget website.

2. Open LCD Change form.

3. Fill out the following fields:
Date = Current date
Contact = Your name
Phone = Your phone #
HR Department Number = HR department number that employee or position resides. May be different that the payroll coding.
HR Department Name = Name of department provided in previous field

4. (Most Common) Fill out the following fields to change a single employee’s coding:
Employee Name
Employee ID
Record Number
PeopleSoft Position Number
Effective date = Date for change to take effect
(Optional) End Date = Date this coding should end.

5. (Less Common) Fill out the following fields to change the coding for all employees in a position:
PeopleSoft Position Number
Effective date = Date for change to take effect
(Optional) End Date = Date this coding should end.

6. Fill out the following fields to update the current coding for the employee(s):
Finance Dept ID

7. Have completed form signed by the Appropriate Administrator and dean or director. Signing via Adobe Acrobat or Adobe sign are preferred.

8. Send email to with a subject “LCD Change form for ‘employee name’ and attach the signed LCD Change form.

9. Once adjustment has been posted you will receive an email confirmation. This may include a screenshot of the change or Funding by EE.
Version | A |
Date of Revision | May 22, 2023 |
Description of Change Implemented | Initial Process Guide |
Completed by | University Budget and Resource Planning |