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LCD Change Form

Business Process Guide
Date CreatedMay 22, 2023
Process NameLCD Change Form
Version NumberA
Procedure Number0009
Process OwnerUniversity Budget and Resource Planning
Date of Last UpdateMay 22, 2023
PurposeSubmit information to adjust an employee’s current and future payroll coding.
ScopeScope of this document pertains to Sonoma State University's version of Data Warehouse and HRS.
Document ManagementUniversity Budget and Resource Planning retains all copies of Business Process Guides and handles distribution.
Roles and ResponsibilitiesUniversity Budget and Resource Planning retains responsibility for the accuracy of the information within Questica Budgeting software.




1. Download an LCD Change Form from the Budget website.

Download an LCD Change Form from the Budget website.

2. Open LCD Change form.


Open LCD Change form.

3. Fill out the following fields:

Date = Current date

Contact = Your name 

Phone = Your phone #

HR Department Number = HR department number that employee or position resides. May be different that the payroll coding.

HR Department Name = Name of department provided in previous field

 Fill out the following fields:  Date = Current date  Contact = Your name   Phone = Your phone #  HR Department Number = HR department number that employee or position resides. May be different that the payroll coding.  HR Department Name = Name of department provided in previous field

4. (Most Common) Fill out the following fields to change a single employee’s coding:

Employee Name

Employee ID

Record Number

PeopleSoft Position Number

Effective date = Date for change to take effect

(Optional) End Date = Date this coding should end.

 (Most Common) Fill out the following fields to change a single employee’s coding:  Employee Name  Employee ID  Record Number  PeopleSoft Position Number  Effective date = Date for change to take effect  (Optional) End Date = Date this coding should end.

5. (Less Common) Fill out the following fields to change the coding for all employees in a position:

PeopleSoft Position Number

Effective date = Date for change to take effect

(Optional) End Date = Date this coding should end.

(Less Common) Fill out the following fields to change the coding for all employees in a position:  PeopleSoft Position Number  Effective date = Date for change to take effect  (Optional) End Date = Date this coding should end.

6. Fill out the following fields to update the current coding for the employee(s):



Finance Dept ID






 Fill out the following fields to update the current coding for the employee(s):  Required  Fund  Finance Dept ID  Percentage  (Optional:  Program/  Class/  Project/Grant)

7. Have completed form signed by the Appropriate Administrator and dean or director. Signing via Adobe Acrobat or Adobe sign are preferred.

Have completed form signed by the Appropriate Administrator and dean or director. Signing via Adobe Acrobat or Adobe sign are preferred.

8. Send email to with a subject “LCD Change form for ‘employee name’ and attach the signed LCD Change form.

Send email to with a subject “LCD Change form for ‘employee name’ and attach the signed LCD Change form.

9. Once adjustment has been posted you will receive an email confirmation. This may include a screenshot of the change or Funding by EE.


Change History
Date of RevisionMay 22, 2023
Description of Change ImplementedInitial Process Guide
Completed byUniversity Budget and Resource Planning